Dagli USA all‘Europa, dal Medio Oriente all’Australia:
Cosa dicono i pittori da tutto il mondo
della loro esperienza online
Dalle lezioni individuali per imparare le basi della pittura a olio a quelle sul ritratto, Tim mi ha insegnato non solo la tecnica ma è riuscito a trasmettermi molto di più. L’attenzione verso la composizione, l’importanza delle gerarchie visive e i modi per attrarre l’occhio dell’osservatore su alcuni punti precisi della superficie del quadro, l’importanza del tono e della temperatura dei colori, l’atmosfera che si crea intorno ai soggetti del quadro, la qualità della luce, la pazienza per il disegno di base (che a me mancava).
Abbiamo lavorato sui grandi maestri del passato cercando di cogliere il loro processo pittorico per incorporarlo nella nostra esperienza.
E poi, durante il lockdown il grande colpo d’ingegno di Tim: con le lezioni on line siamo riusciti a non fermarci e, anzi, a lavorare, dipingere e imparare come e più di prima.
Col tempo, durante tutte le lezioni e guardando ai suoi bellissimi lavori, mi sono resa conto che per Tim dipingere è urgente e necessario.
Credo che proprio questa sua passione lo spinga anche a trasmetterci tutto quello che sa e che fa. Forse come accadeva nelle botteghe di pittura del Rinascimento dove immagino che gli allievi imparassero attraverso gli insegnamenti ma anche, nella stessa misura, per osmosi.
Grazie Tim, maestro appassionato e appassionante.
Tim’s online classes have been a godsend during the pandemic. I learn with every single session, and the group critiques are extremely helpful. Not only is Tim a very talented, well-schooled painter, he continues to learn, and effectively passes on his insights to his students. The students themselves are so talented, each with their own style. We have great discussions, and everyone is open to learning new methods and approaches to their work. And did I mention fun? We all have a great time!
A very enjoyable experience with Tim! He is a highly skilled artist teacher who has an effective method of teaching. I just finished up the an on-line oil-painting class which was fun, entertaining and very instructive. Tim has the right manner to critique your paintings in order for you to improve your skills each week. It’s also nice to be studying with other art students around the world which enriches the experience.
I am very happy to have found Tim in Rome, teaching his lessons in both Italian and English he brings you back into another period to learn the techniques, secrets and methods of the old masters. I recommend these classes with Tim if you are willing to put the time and commitment in, you will certainly improve your craft.
Tim is an incredibly competent and well organised teacher, with a vast knowledge that he is happy to share. The learning experience at The Painting and Drawing Art School of Rome was invaluable and life changing and I am incredibly grateful that my love of painting has been reignited, thanks to what Tim has taught me.
It was also a wonderful experience to be able to share the classes with students from all over the world and to be explained in both Italian and English, this added an extra international feel to the classes.( definitely the closest experience to travelling during the pandemic!)
Tim has a wonderful sense of humor and is able to not only encourage but show genuine concern for all his students and their abilities, which made the classes friendly, enjoyable and welcoming.
Thank you Tim for your special skills, techniques, generosity and for your planning and time and for making the classes possible.
‘Drawing’ is fundamental to Tim’s approach, in working from life, whether using paint, pencil or charcoal. Tim teaches by example and it is reassuring to see him constantly improving his own work, being prepared to make changes in the drawing, at all stages of a painting.
Tim encourages individuals to develop their own style, whilst observing the fundamental rules of creating form and light; it is so satisfying when you see things starting to work. Added to that, Tim focuses our attention on the importance of achieving a unified whole and selectively using contrast in the detail. Lessons are punctuated by joyful exclamations of discovery, as a glaze turns a colour into a temperature and gives life to form.
It has been amazing to see the transformation in all of our work, over the course of the programme and a privilege to work under the shadow of somebody so accomplished. I couldn’t recommend Tim more highly.
PADASOR’s (the Painting and Drawing Art Studio of Rome) art classes are now available on line via Zoom. Thank god for modern technology! I can now rejoin my favourite art classes live from Rome, in my studio here in Melbourne, Australia.
Tim’s amazing ability to conduct classes in both Italian and English means no one misses out on information. The classes are also recorded so you can go back and refresh on techniques. It’s a wonderful group of students with varying levels of competencies. Rome’s morning classes are my evening classes and I highly recommend joining.
You’ll be amazed what you’ll produce under Tim’s tutorials, and best of all, it’s great fun.
Il corso fatto con te mi ha fatta migliorare perche’ ho avuto modo di “ cavarmela da sola” facendo tesoro delle tue spiegazioni filosofiche/ artistiche supportate da precise traduzioni pratiche nell’ operato. Mi accorgevo che ad ogni lezione apprendevo qualcosa di prezioso che mi sarebbe sempre servito! Grazie.
I enjoyed learning with Tim how to draw a live model from the very beginning then painting in stages step by step in a friendly and calm atmosphere. It was very helpful to learn how to improve my work through several sessions of constructive critiques.
I really appreciate how Tim was answering all our enquiries and doubts patiently and taking from his time. Really it was such a productive course which I enjoyed very much.
Non pensavo fosse possibile avere risultati così evidenti, frequentando un corso di pittura on line. Ma Tim è stato in grado di trasmetterci passione e validi insegnamenti, documentando passo passo le nostre evoluzioni. Grazie, Tim. Questo per me è solo l’inizio….
Il corso è stato molto interessante perché ho avuto la possibilità di vedere come lavora un vero pittore e ho potuto, attraverso le critique, osservare l’evoluzione dei lavori dei partecipanti al corso, tutti molto bravi e simpatici, il che non guasta!
Mi sono inserita in un gruppo già affiatato ma mi sono sentita subito a mio agio grazie all’ allegria e all’empatia di Tim e degli altri allievi. Il clima che si crea è veramente ideale per poter apprendere e la bravura del maestro è incontestabile.
I appreciated Tim’s classic approach; drawing and building the underpainting using the proper pigments for the foundation. Defining the values and temperature to build toward the top colors.
The zoom class is structured well. The alternating live painting instruction and critique sessions allow plenty of room for discussion as well as watching and learning.
It is enjoyable to be part of a group of like minded artists who appreciate the classic techniques and realism.
Tim riesce a coinvolgere con professionalità e simpatia tutti i partecipanti.
Riesce a individuare le capacità e i limiti di ognuno in una critica costruttiva e a non sottovalutare le opinioni e le domande che vengono poste.
Lo consiglio a chi ha la passione per la pittura, perché c’è sempre da imparare e non è mai troppo tardi per migliorare.